Mindfulness For Beginners podcastMindfulness For Beginners1.
Deep Sleep Sounds podcastDeep Sleep Sounds2.
Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories podcastGet Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories3.
Guided Sleep Meditation & Sleep Hypnosis from Sleep Cove podcastGuided Sleep Meditation & Sleep Hypnosis from Sleep Cove4.
Like You: Mindfulness for Kids podcastLike You: Mindfulness for Kids5.
Meditation Oasis podcastMeditation Oasis6.
Nothing much happens; bedtime stories to help you sleep podcastNothing much happens; bedtime stories to help you sleep7.
Sleep Meditation for Women podcastSleep Meditation for Women8.
SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton podcastSLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton9.
Sleep Sound with Cody Simpson podcastSleep Sound with Cody Simpson10.
Sleep Sound with Natalie Imbruglia podcastSleep Sound with Natalie Imbruglia11.
Sleep Wave - Meditations, Stories & Hypnosis podcastSleep Wave – Meditations, Stories & Hypnosis12.
Sleep With Me podcastSleep With Me13.
Soothing Sleep podcastSoothing Sleep14.
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris podcastTen Percent Happier with Dan Harris15.

The best Meditation podcasts UK

This category benefits both meditating and non-meditating people. Most programs are dedicated to meditators, regardless of their experience level. Beginners and experts, everyone has something for them. Nothing can beat meditation podcasts after a long tiresome day.

Given the irritation that comes with interrupted sessions, this category only contains the best meditation podcasts. Uninterrupted, perfectly presented, and ad-free, these pods can be very helpful whenever you want to de-stress and calm down. Some take a physical approach and give proper steps to follow. You get to learn the exercises you can do to calm down. The episodes range from 2 minutes to over an hour for those who want longer meditations.

Followers of the mindful movement have more than enough quality listens. The best mindfulness podcasts focus on the several benefits of this discipline; they explore and deliver content guaranteed to turn a novice listener into a good meditator. Some content is meant for beginners and those considering joining the movement. Also, it contains programs that address mindfulness exercises. An excellent example of the best mindfulness podcast is Shaun Donaghy’s ‎Mindfulness For Beginners which endeavours to make the tenets of Buddhism and mindfulness accessible to the general public.

The guided meditation for anxiety and the guided meditation for healing programs offer the right content for dealing with stress and other challenging issues such as PTSD. Instead of spending a lot of money on unsuccessful visits to therapists, these shows offer free guided meditation and are re-hosted by seasoned professionals with lots of experience. Cleaning up The Mental Mess is a perfect example of such. It is hosted by Dr Caroline Leaf, a certified therapist, qualified and experienced mental health expert, and cognitive neuroscientist.

Guided sleep meditation podcasts will come in handy for various reasons. Listeners experiencing insomnia will listen to bedtime stories that are relaxing and sleep-inducing. These productions are dedicated to making you sleep with calm and soothing voices. A good listen will ensure you get a good night’s sleep. Guided Sleep Meditation & Sleep Hypnosis by Chris Fitton is a good instance of such a show. It is a top-ranking pod with several nominations for awards.