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Stoopkid Stories, created by Melissa Victor, is a beautiful collection of engaging tales featuring seven relatable characters navigating adventures with friends, family, school, and their community. Perfect for children aged five and up, each episode presents valuable lessons on topics like Black history, sharing, and back-to-school transitions. In addition, Stoopkid Stories provides an excellent platform for sparking meaningful conversations with young listeners.
Stoopkid Stories is a stories for kids podcast by Melly Victor.
Host: Melissa Victor
Country: United States
Episodes count: 81
Average duration: 15’
Frequency: Monthly
Country: United States
Episodes count: 81
Average duration: 15’
Frequency: Monthly
02-12-2024 00:17:00 31-10-2024 00:16:31 25-10-2024 00:16:19 14-10-2024 00:17:52 30-09-2024 00:13:15Show all episodes