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Seventeen Years chronicles the story of Andrew Malkinson, who spent almost two decades in prison for a crime he swears he didn't commit. Each episode shows Malkinson's fight for justice, highlighting the flaws and injustices of the criminal justice system. One episode at a time, Emily Dugan guides you through the twists and turns of the case, exploring the evidence, witnesses, and legal proceedings that led to Malkinson's conviction. With its powerful storytelling and eye-opening insights, Seventeen Years is a must-listen for anyone interested in true crime, justice, and the human experience.
Seventeen Years - The Andrew Malkinson story is a true crime podcast by The Sunday Times.
Host: Emily Dugan
Country: United Kingdom
Episodes count: 9
Average duration: 30’
Frequency: Monthly
Country: United Kingdom
Episodes count: 9
Average duration: 30’
Frequency: Monthly
01-08-2023 34:21 20-02-2023 1:21 03-02-2023 20:11 01-02-2023 33:23 01-02-2023 31:19Show all episodes