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SciShow Tangents is a bi-weekly show that combines quirky scientific research with friendly competition, keeping you hooked for 40 minutes. Hank Green, Ceri Riley, and Sam Schultz have a knack for presenting very diverse and complex topics, such as ants, sleep, farming, or colors, in a relatable and engaging manner.
SciShow Tangents is a science podcast by Complexly.
Host: Hank Green, Ceri Riley and Sam Schultz
Country: United States
Episodes count: 282
Average duration: 40'
Frequency: Every other week
Country: United States
Episodes count: 282
Average duration: 40'
Frequency: Every other week
10-12-2024 00:53:29 26-11-2024 00:50:49 12-11-2024 00:49:41 31-10-2024 00:49:40 15-10-2024 00:51:44Show all episodes