Happy Place podcast1.Happy PlaceFearne Cotton

A Bit of Optimism podcast2.A Bit of OptimismSimon Sinek

A Piece of Cake with Gregg Wallace podcast3.A Piece of Cake with Gregg WallaceGlobal

Beyond the Mat podcast4.Beyond the MatDear Media

Choose YOU Choose BLISS podcast5.Choose YOU Choose BLISSVanessa Louise

Healing Power of Nature podcast6.Healing Power of NatureAudible

Hurt to Healing podcast7.Hurt to HealingPandora Morris


On The Mend podcast9.On The MendMatt Willis

Self Help podcast10.Self HelpScottee

The Career Happiness Podcast11.The Career Happiness PodcastSoma Ghosh

The Widow Podcast12.The Widow PodcastKaren Sutton

Who We Are Now with Izzy & Richard Hammond podcast13.Who We Are Now with Izzy & Richard HammondGlobal

You're Wrong About ADHD podcast14.You’re Wrong About ADHDGlobal

10 for Teens + Tweens podcast15.10 for Teens + TweensEmpowerful Girls

A Better You by Fernanda Ramirez podcast16.A Better You by Fernanda RamirezFernanda Ramírez

Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting podcast17.Ask Lisa: The Psychology of ParentingGood Trouble Productions

Better Tomorrow with Hannah Brown podcast18.Better Tomorrow with Hannah BrownStitcher

But Are You Happy? podcast19.But Are You Happy?Mamamia Podcasts

Finding Mastery podcast20.Finding MasteryDr. Michael Gervais

Ghost of a Podcast: Astrology & Advice with Jessica Lanyadoo21.Ghost of a Podcast: Astrology & Advice with Jessica LanyadooJessica Lanyadoo

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki podcast22.GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikkiNikki Walton

Growing With The Flow podcast23.Growing With The FlowNayna Florence

Grown-Ass Woman's Guide podcast24.Grown-Ass Woman’s GuideGrown-Ass Creative

Habits for Happiness: 10 Daily Steps for Living Your Happiest Life podcast25.Habits for Happiness: 10 Daily Steps for Living Your Happiest LifeAudible

Healing Trauma podcast26.Healing TraumaDr. Frank Anderson and Matthias Barker

Highest Self Podcast®27.Highest Self Podcast®Sahara Rose

How Long Have You Got? podcast28.How Long Have You Got?Jeremy Langmead and Sarah Edmundson

Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss podcast29.Hypnosis for Permanent Weight LossLeslie M. Thornton

Ice-T's Daily Game podcast30.Ice-T’s Daily GameiHeart

Insight with Chris Van Vliet podcast31.Insight with Chris Van VlietBlue Wire

Is My Child A Monster? A Parenting Therapy Podcast32.Is My Child A Monster? A Parenting Therapy PodcastLeslie Cohen-Rubury

Joy, a Podcast. Hosted by Craig Ferguson33.Joy, a Podcast. Hosted by Craig FergusoniHeart

Letting It Settle with Michael Galyon podcast34.Letting It Settle with Michael GalyonQCODE

Making Space with Hoda Kotb podcast35.Making Space with Hoda KotbTODAY

Mantra with Jemma Sbeg podcast36.Mantra with Jemma SbegOpenMind

Meditative Story podcast37.Meditative StoryWaitWhat

Mindful Moments with David Larbi podcast38.Mindful Moments with David LarbiDavid Larbi

Problem Solved with Therapy Jeff podcast39.Problem Solved with Therapy JeffWave Podcast Network

Prologues podcast40.ProloguesMary Skinner

Sanity Daily - with Priyanka Joshi podcast41.Sanity Daily – with Priyanka JoshiPriyanka Joshi

Science of Perception Box podcast42.Science of Perception BoxUnlikely Collaborators | Pod People

Shattered Silence Podcast43.Shattered Silence PodcastShattered Silence Podcast

Shrink The Box podcast44.Shrink The BoxThe Take

Sleep Meditation for Women podcast45.Sleep Meditation for WomenWomen's Meditation Network

SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton podcast46.SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski FentonLauren Ostrowski

Sleep Sound with Antoni Porowski podcast47.Sleep Sound with Antoni PorowskiAudible

Sleep Wave - Meditations, Stories & Hypnosis podcast48.Sleep Wave – Meditations, Stories & HypnosisKarissa Vacker and Jessica Porter

Sleep With Me podcast49.Sleep With MeDrew Ackerman

Speaking of Psychology podcast50.Speaking of PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association

The best Mental health podcasts UK

This category comprises all podcasts dealing with psychological health and wellness. Given the importance of having a stable and healthy headspace, the mental health category includes goal orientation, meditation, sleeping, relationship, healing and psychology podcasts.
The mental health podcasts dealing with meditation cover, exhaust, and take an in-depth look into all forms of meditation. Some podcasts give meditation techniques for both novices and experienced people, teach beginners how to meditate, and provide step-by-step guides on meditation.
Some podcasts touch mindfulness and its principles, Buddhism, The Law of Attraction, and Therapy. A good example is Shaun Donaghy’s Mindfulness For Beginners, which teaches the principles of mindfulness.
Lack of sleep and insomnia is covered by podcasts that set out to tell sleep-inducing stories of help with sleep-inducing meditation. For example, Christopher Fitton’s Guided Sleep Meditation & Sleep Hypnosis from Sleep Cove has relaxing sleep hypnosis and bedtime stories.
The mental health podcasts category also includes podcasts about anxiety, stress, and confidence. This goes hand in hand with podcasts that handle self-esteem and self-belief.
Trauma recovery can be very challenging at times. Therefore, some podcasts have content on recovering from traumas and conditions such as Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
In addition, this category has many podcasts that have content on any mental health matter you might want to learn about or deal with.
Finally, you will find motivational podcasts with content to inspire and help you grow.

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