Today in Focus podcastToday in Focus1.
FT News Briefing podcastFT News Briefing2.
Global News PodcastGlobal News Podcast3.
The Story podcastThe Story4.
The Daily podcastThe Daily5.
The Intelligence from The Economist podcastThe Intelligence from The Economist6.
The Slow Newscast podcastThe Slow Newscast7.
Battle Lines: Israel-Gaza podcastBattle Lines: Israel-Gaza8.
Battleground: Ukraine podcastBattleground: Ukraine9.
Drum Tower podcastDrum Tower10.
The Economist PodcastsEconomist Podcasts11.
Frontlines of Journalism podcastFrontlines of Journalism12.
Learning English News Review podcastLearning English News Review13.
Londongrad: Iran's Hit Squads podcastLondongrad: Iran’s Hit Squads14.
Next Year in Moscow podcastNext Year in Moscow15.
Novara Live podcastNovara Live16.
The Conflict: Israel-Gaza podcastThe Conflict: Israel-Gaza17.
The Global Jigsaw podcastThe Global Jigsaw18.
The Global Story podcastThe Global Story19.
The Modi Raj from The Economist podcastThe Modi Raj from The Economist20.
The Positive News PodcastThe Positive News Podcast21.
Ukraine: The Latest podcastUkraine: The Latest22.
Ukrainecast podcastUkrainecast23.
War on Truth podcastWar on Truth24.
About a Boy: The Story of Vladimir Putin podcastAbout a Boy: The Story of Vladimir Putin25.
Consider This from NPR podcastConsider This from NPR26.
Freakonomics radio podcastFreakonomics radio27.
Looking For Modi podcastLooking For Modi28.
Making Peace Visible podcastMaking Peace Visible29.
NKNews PodcastNKNews Podcast30.

The best International News UK

The international News podcasts in this collection help you stay informed about what matters today. From geopolitics and global crises to diplomacy and trade, these podcasts reflect the diversity of events shaping the world. Whether it’s in-depth interviews with key international figures, analytical episodes, or on-the-ground reporting from the battlefront, there are many formats and approaches.

A world of stories in every episode

State of the World and Global News Podcasts are the podcasts you need to listen to to stay updated about the most important global news. State of the World offers a mix of international stories focusing on humanitarian aspects and geopolitical shifts. Global News Podcast delivers brief twice-daily updates on pressing global news. On the other hand, Today, Explained, from Vox, breaks down the biggest stories of the day with clarity and context, making complex issues accessible to all.

Analysing global events

If you want something more analytical, The Foreign Affairs Interview and The Global Jigsaw are the right pods. The Foreign Affairs Interview discusses global dynamics, such as the war in Ukraine and U.S.-China relations, through conversations with renowned experts. The Global Jigsaw offers a unique angle by dissecting how the media portrays global events, discerning propaganda and misinformation.

Spotlight on global leaders: From Modi to Putin

You will also find shows focusing on the lives of the world’s most talked-about leaders, such as Looking For Modi and About a Boy: The Story of Vladimir Putin. These podcasts analyse their rises to power and the personal and political landscapes that shaped them. From Modi’s controversial policies to Putin’s KGB past, these series offer a personal look at how these leaders impact global politics.

Understanding conflicts: Gaza and Ukraine

You will also find podcasts on the most pressing conflicts today. For example, Battle Lines: Israel-Gaza and Ukrainecast focus on current wars, cracking the complex dynamics of these regions. Battle Lines examines the shifting alliances and ongoing tensions in the Middle East, while Ukrainecast offers stories from the front lines and expert analysis of the Russian invasion, essential for understanding the stakes and the human impact behind the headlines.

Inside North Korea

Last but not least, you will find podcasts focusing on a non-Western region, such as NKNews, which brings a unique perspective on the most secretive state. This weekly program offers discussions with specialists that illuminate the country’s politics, culture, and place in international affairs. A key pod to understand more about this isolated nation.

So, this is a vast collection of podcasts to connect with the stories that define our global landscape.