20 Minute Travel podcast20 Minute Travel1.
Fighter Pilot PodcastFighter Pilot Podcast2.
Layovers - Air Travel podcastLayovers – Air Travel podcast3.
Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk podcastOpposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk4.
Pilot to Pilot - Aviation PodcastPilot to Pilot – Aviation Podcast5.
The Next Trip - An Aviation and Travel PodcastThe Next Trip – An Aviation and Travel Podcast6.

The best Aviation podcasts UK

The aviation podcasts in this section offer a unique entry point into flying, travel, and air traffic. These shows explore different aspects of aviation, each with a different style and perspective, from professional information and industry veterans to casual travelers.

Diverse takes on aviation

Starting with The Next Trip, aviation insiders Doug and Drew mix operational stories with travel reviews in a lively aviation geek discussion that draws on personal industry experiences with an intimate approach. The format shifts slightly to Layovers and Pilot to Pilot. Hosts Paul and Alex in Layovers present a global perspective, while Pilot to Pilot offers motivation and inspiration for aviators at all stages of their careers.

More sky-high stories

Shows like Opposing Bases and Fighter Pilot Podcast expand the theme range further as they explore the technical and operational side of aviation. Each episode of Opposing Bases demystifies air traffic management in a relatable way, while Fighter Pilot Podcast opens the thrilling world of air combat to all listeners. And as you can imagine, the guests are very special.

Each aviation podcast in this collection has a different approach, whether through detailed explanations, exciting stories, or interviews with expert guests. There’s surely one for you, perhaps even inspiring a nose dive into more specialized topics like winglet design or the dynamics of turbulence?