Happy Place podcast1.Happy PlaceFearne Cotton

A Bit of Optimism podcast2.A Bit of OptimismSimon Sinek

Owning It: The Anxiety Podcast3.Owning It: The Anxiety PodcastCaroline Foran

Habits of A Goddess podcast4.Habits of A GoddessCAKE MEDIA

Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast5.Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth PodcastJosephine Hardman

Meditation Oasis podcast6.Meditation Oasis

Oprah's Super Soul podcast7.Oprah’s Super SoulOprah Winfrey

Power Talks with Kemi Nekvapil podcast8.Power Talks with Kemi NekvapilAudible

Sleep Wave - Meditations, Stories & Hypnosis podcast9.Sleep Wave – Meditations, Stories & HypnosisKarissa Vacker and Jessica Porter

Sunday Scaries by Headspace podcast10.Sunday Scaries by HeadspaceHeadspace Studios

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris podcast11.Ten Percent Happier with Dan HarrisWondery

The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos podcast12.The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie SantosLaurie Santos

The Psychology of your 20’s podcast13.The Psychology of your 20’sLindsay Bryan-Podvin

UnF*ck Your Brain podcast14.UnF*ck Your BrainKara Loewentheil

The best Anxiety podcasts UK

Looking for the best podcasts about anxiety? They are like a comfortable spot where you can unwind and get some friendly advice on dealing with fear and being less nervous. Here, you will find a variety of anxiety podcasts, each with its own style and wisdom, all ready to help you look at anxiety in a new light.

Top options to deal with stress and tension

For starters, Ten Percent Happier, hosted by Dan Harris, is all about turning a challenging moment into a turning point toward meditation and calmness. Then, you’ve got Oprah’s Super Soul, where Oprah brings on guests who leave you with thoughts and stories that resonate with many listeners.

If you’re into the science side of things, The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos dives into what truly makes us happy, while Happy Place hosted by Fearne Cotton feels like a heart-to-heart chat about life’s ups and downs. For those who prefer something more direct, Owning It: The Anxiety Podcast is IT. One episode at a time, Caroline Foran shares her own journey through anxiety and gives tips that feel like they’re coming from a friend who truly understands the worry and stress you might be feeling.

Each anxiety podcast in this mix offers something unique, from deep dives into personal growth to practical tips for facing panic episodes. Whether you’re searching for podcasts for anxiety that feel like a deep conversation, a scientific exploration, or a straightforward guide, there’s something here for everyone. It’s about finding that voice that speaks to you, offering comfort, valuable information and helpful tips in your journey toward understanding and managing anxiety.

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